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Warehouse (8:00-17:00) Sat. Tomești,Str. Stupinelor, Nr 33A, Hala C5, Județul Iași

phone+40751588573 Support:
clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00
clock Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00

We will buy and deliver goods from the store Rogue Fitness from USA to Romania

How to order?

To order, visit the Rogue Fitness


Copy the link to the selected product

After the order is placed, the product will be added to the Shopping Cart, there you’ll be able to pay for it. We’ll buy it within 2 days and will take care of the communication with seller.

Our commission for the buyback of the order
How warehouse address works from USA?
You send your purchases to our warehouse from USA

Buy from eBay, Amazon and other US shops yourself regardless of whether they deliver to Romania or not. For delivery, provide the address from USA warehouse that you receive when you register on the BayShop website.

We will pack and ship your purchases

Once your purchases have arrived at the warehouse, we register them, take 1 photo of each incoming purchase, remove the original packaging, combine them into a single parcel if you chose this option and then your parcel is ready to be shipped!.

You will receive your parcel in Romania in 7-12 days

From your personal account, you can track the status of your parcel from when it arrives at the warehouse until it is delivered. Depending on the delivery method you choose, you will either pick up your parcel at a collection point or a courier will bring it to your home.

Sign up and start buying
from USA cheaper

Store Description
Rogue Fitness

The online store of the sports equipment, where you can find everything you need for the productive workouts.

Rogue Fitness is the online shop of the sports equipment. You will find everything you need for the productive workouts in it. Order any sporting products from the following categories: weighting bars and plates, strength equipment, rigs and racks, jump ropes, wraps and support, products for bodyweight, gymnastics and boxing. You will be also able to find clothing, footwear, rigs and accessories. In addition to the aforementioned, Rogue Fitness offers the sporting nutrition, equipment packages at advantageous prices and equipment for CrossFit – the workout system, creating the most versatile athletes.

Calculate shipping
Parcel weight
Size X*Y*Z
Frequently asked questions
How to place an "order by link"
Press the button “Order via link” on the first page of our website. Insert the link to the product page in the field that appears and click “Next step”. You will be proposed to fill in the product characteristics: the seller’s country, ID (on the website), color, size, product name, product price, price of shipping by the country and the number of the desired products. Tick the appropriate line to order the products checking in the warehouse. Press “Write a comment” if you want to leave one. After you have filled in everything, press “Add to cart”. The product, added by you, will get into Shopping cart section, then you’ll be able to pay for it.
What benefits do I receive from your service?
The most popular online shops are now available to you. Either they didn’t deliver products to Romania before that or shipping was too expensive. The product prices abroad are way lower than prices in ordinary shops. You will extend online shopping borders with us. Buy products abroad more easily in our catalogue or with help of our Customer Support Service, also order individually on your virtual address and send parcels to Romania.
How to use address in USA service?
Using your address from USA, provided by BayShop, you purchase goods independently. You communicate with the seller, pay for the order and shipping to our warehouse in seller’s country that we provide. You can specify this address as Shipping-address. You will receive the notification, when the parcel will be delivered to the warehouse in the USA, when the products will be registered in our system. Then you’ll be able to create the parcel and we’ll send it to you to the address, mentioned by you.
Why goods are cheaper than goods from the regular stores?
Customs duties, shops commissions, premise rent, wage for employees, other financial expenses and the artificial cost increase bid up prices at regular stores. Accordingly, you buy goods in online stores at more acceptable prices.