Contact us

Warehouse (8:00-17:00) Sat. Tomești,Str. Stupinelor, Nr 33A, Hala C5, Județul Iași

phone+40751588573 Support:
clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00
clock Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00

Now you can pay for our services using PayPal!

Now you can pay for our services using PayPal!
9 Aug 2017

We’ve added new payment method — PayPal!

In order to pay for our services, do the following:

  • Register PayPal account and connect it to your bank card

  • When paying for orders or shipping you’ll be redirected to PayPal website. Login and click “Pay Now”

  • The amount needed will be deducted from your card

You can pay for our services using PayPal only in dollars.


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