110V vs 220V. How to avoid problems when buying equipment in the USA?

110V vs 220V. How to avoid problems when buying equipment in the USA?

Home appliances from the USA are very popular with our customers. But when you purchase it, a problem may arise in the compatibility of 110V devices with a 220V network. What to do? Is such a purchase justified? Let's figure it out.

To begin with, in the product descriptions on Amazon.com, eBay.com and other sites, the specification for power is rarely indicated. All of these products are designed for the US domestic market and the seller or support service is not always considered to have to delve into "some kind of tension." In order not to get into trouble, we will study some points and solutions to the problem:

In America, the voltage in the network is 110V. Because household appliances in US online stores are of three types:

1. With universal power supply (built-in or external) at 110-240V

 Today, 100% of laptops, ultrabooks, smartphones, tablets, phablets, trimmers, epilators, electric shavers, wireless speakers - all that a person usually takes with him on the road, has a universal power supply. These devices operate in the voltage range of 110-220 volts and can be used without problems around the world.

There is only one caveat: since the American plug is different in form from the European, to connect to a 220V network you only need an adapter, which is usually included in the package. The adapter usually costs $ 1-2.There is another solution - a replacement for the "European standard" power plugs or the entire cord. You can do this at any service center.

2. Home appliances and electronics from the United States with an American power supply 110V

These are devices aimed at the US domestic market - all the major stationary electrical appliances that rarely travel between continents. In addition to televisions with washing machines, this includes small but powerful electrical appliances: irons, hair dryers, curling irons, electric kettles, toasters, and vacuum cleaners.

This problem can be solved, but not as simple and cheap as with an adapter. You will be helped out by the purchase of a special device, the so-called step-down transformer, which converts the voltage of the mains 220 volts, automatically lowering it to 110 volts necessary for the device. After buying such a transformer, you no longer need to buy any adapters, because All necessary connectors are already on the device.

From the user’s side, no settings are required, except for connecting the power plugs, you just have to connect your existing appliance to the network every time through this transformer. But the moment that must be taken into account when buying is the power of your appliance.You must determine the maximum power of your appliance, which is usually indicated in watts (look for "W" or "Watt") and based on this information already buy a step-down transformer.

If we are talking about small devices - electric shavers, clippers, epilators, as well as laptops, then a normal “household” network adapter, designed for 100W, will be enough. If the device is more powerful - a coffee machine, a juicer, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, etc., then you need a network adapter with a larger capacity.

3. Home appliances and electronics from the United States with an incomprehensible power supply and specifications

If the seller did not indicate the rated voltage in the description, then in 99% the device is designed for the American 110V network.
We kindly request: do not ask the operators to clarify for you the characteristics of devices and other goods in addition to the information indicated by the seller.

If the information is not on the site, then it is unknown to the seller. Answering questions from the BayShop operator about the power of electrical appliances, the adaptability of their power supplies for a network of other states, etc. the seller may give incorrect, incorrect, irrelevant information. And who needs inaccurate data?Accurate information is available only to the manufacturer of the equipment or its distributors. If you need the characteristics of the device, which you can’t get yourself from open sources, then order a product verification service. It costs only $ 8. But all questions will be removed even before the purchase is paid.

BayShop wishes you a successful shopping in the USA! We are your trusted reseller and shopping assistant. Most importantly, feel free to ask!




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