The price for the parcel separation service have changed

The price for the parcel separation service have changed

Separation of packages is a convenient option that allows you to send goods from your general large order to different addresses. So you can send gifts directly to your friends and family home. The cost of the first split into two parts is $ 5, each subsequent split of $ 3.
Using the service is simple, for this:

1. Press the button “Divide parcel” near the parcel you want to apply the service at, in Warehouse section.

2. In the appeared pop-up window fill in the declaration for each new parcel division, that will become the individual parcel after the initial parcel is divided.

3. If there are several products in new parcel division, press the line “There are more goods in the parcel” and add information about them. If you want to delete the product, press the red cross to the right of the line.

4. In order to add a new parcel part, press the button “New part” and fill in the declaration for the contained products.

5. Leave comments on parcel division and order the service by pressing “Confirm division”.

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