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Write a review and get $ 5 to pay for BayShop services

Write a review and get $ 5 to pay for BayShop services
13 Jul 2021

Friends, if you are satisfied with the speed of delivery and the quality of BayShop services, tell everyone about it.

Leave your positive feedback on Google and get $ 5 cashback for your next delivery. How to do it:

1 Go to your BayShop profile in Google, click on the “Add review” button.

2 Write your impressions of the BayShop service, ideally with a photo of the delivered item.

3 Send us a link to your review in the messenger, and we will credit $ 5 to your BayShop account.

Your review will help other people to start making profitable purchases without overpayments. And you will save for this on paying for the next delivery or additional services. Take your chance to get a bonus, it's that easy!

Cashback is credited once per account within three days after adding a review.


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