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Prohibitions and restrictions

The shipments, not meeting the conditions of the Postal Convention and special regulations, aren’t accepted for the postal shipping. Also, the parcels, sent to contribute to fraud or sent in order to avoid the full payment of the needed amount, aren’t accepted.

Most commonly we have to restrict shipping of certain products due to one of the four reasons:
  • products are related to illegal activities, prohibited or controlled by law
  • products require specific licenses to store or distribute them
  • commodities cannot be transported by air (IATA regulations)
  • commodities are considered a danger to health and safety of our employees or third parties
Please keep in mind that BayShop will make reasonable efforts to deliver all orders to their destination but reserves the right to inspect all inbound parcels and to restrict shipping of any item BayShop deems prohibited.
If a restricted item is discovered in your shipment, we will notify you and offer to return the item domestically (you pay return shipping cost). Or you can tell us to recycle/ destroy the item (free of charge).

Nota Bene!

There are certain types of prohibited goods that, if discovered, will be immediately discarded, destroyed or handed in to authorities. No prior notification will be given and all claims will be rejected. That includes the following:

  • Сashier’s check, plastic cards, any equivalent of cash (incl. gift cards), stock or bond certificates will be shredded.
  • Firearms, ammunition, any potentially toxic or narcotic substances will be handed in to police or relevant authority.
  • Any organic, industrial or household waste, or unidentifiable substances will be discarded/recycled.

A high number of restricted items might be a reason to suspend services or ban the user’s account entirely.

Please be vigilant and help us keep the planet clean and cross-border shipping safe!
The following items and other parts of these animals and reptiles, even when incorporated into a product, can be restricted and may require the submission of an export declaration to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. You may be required to provide the Genus, Species and Country of Origin for export classification purposes. Please contact Customer Service prior to sending any such items to your suite:
  • Embalmed and stuffed animals
  • Animal antlers, bones, claws, hair, fur, skin, and teeth
  • Snake, alligator, crocodile, lizard, and other reptile skins
  • Fish skin, shark teeth, shark cartilage supplements, and caviar (fish eggs/roe)
  • Insects
  • Bird feathers
  • Coral, shells, starfish, sand dollars and other marine life
  • Mother of Pearl items commonly found on watches, guitars, and jewelry items
  • Seeds, plants, soil, and other agricultural products
Many products may be restricted or prohibited as Hazardous Materials for Transportation (Dangerous Goods). The following list is not exhaustive, and products may differ in classification depending on ingredients contained within the product. If an item is listed as Prohibited, BayShop will not be able to export and may not be able to return the product domestically. If an item is listed as Restricted, BayShop may be able to export the product depending on the classification, quantity, and destination country.


  • Fertilizers
  • Paint, varnish, stains, paint thinners
  • Acetone, nail polish, nail polish remover
  • Aerosols, including hair spray, bug spray, shaving creams
  • Compressed gases, including CO2 cartridges and any cans under pressure
  • Glues and adhesives
  • Dyes including hair dyes
  • Household chemicals, including: window/counter cleaners, drain/oven cleaners, antifreeze, alcohol-based hand sanitizers
  • Large or strong magnets
  • Water/aquarium test kits
  • Lead acid batteries
  • Airbags, air bag inflators

Radioactive, toxic materials and chemicals

  • Radioactive materials, including irradiating devices
  • Poisons & Toxic Substances
  • Infectious Substances
  • Biological & Medical Cultures/Samples/Specimens
  • Tear Gas
  • Laboratory Chemicals, including corrosives, acids, lye, or other strong bases, etc  
  • Agricultural Chemicals, including pesticides and fungicides
  • Oxidizing Agents (Chemical oxygen generators, nitrates, nitrites, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate)

Explosive materials

  • Detonating Cords, Blasting Caps, Fuses, Primers, Igniters
  • Ammunition/Cartridges, Gun Powder, Fireworks, Flares
  • Fireworks
  • Cap Gun Caps, Model Rocket Engines
  • Lighters with fuel and Matches
  • Carbon or Activated Carbon
  • Meals Ready to Eat (MREs)
  • Fire Extinguishers, aqualung tanks
Items that belong to a state or country cannot be exported from the USA. For example, car license plates issued by the state and given to citizens on temporary use basis. Export of such goods is considered a breach of the law.

Specially designed items

Some items, as well as their spare parts and accessories, that are “specially designed”, are prohibited for export. For example:
  • Airplane parts and aviation equipment (example: gyroscopes, accelerometers)
  • Aerospace and propulsion items
  • Telecommunications & information security equipment (containing high-end encryption and decryption)
  • High powered lasers and sensors
  • Materials processing items (example: sophisticated pressure valves and metal piping)


  • Drones and quadcopters and similar flying apparatus with the action radius more than 200 meters and price over $500
  • Human organs and/or tissues, blood and its components, animal and human embryos, human remains
  • Any unidentifiable materials, powders, any containers with liquid or gas substances with no labeling or information on the product and manufacturer
  • Printed photos with no information on production or copyright
  • Household, medical and other type of waste
BayShop does not export prescription medications of any kind; this includes Human Growth Hormones (HGH) and Stem Cell derived medications. BayShop also does not export over-the-counter (OTC) medications that are shipped to our facility from outside of the United States. In addition, any OTC Medications or Dietary Supplements must adhere to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) Labeling Guidelines. OTC Medications and Dietary Supplements are prohibited when they:
  • Are shipped to us from outside of the US
  • Are not packaged and labeled in English
  • Are opened or not fully and properly packaged
  • Do not adhere to the FDA Labeling Guidelines
  • Contain an ingredient that is not approved by the FDA
  • OTC Medications & Dietary Supplements may be restricted or prohibited by the importing country, and you are responsible for ensuring any such merchandise may be properly imported into the destination country
Alcohol & Tobacco products are restricted for import. Alcohol products also can be restricted due to Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations. We cannot ship any alcohol, tobacco or smoking blends, as well as e-cigarettes, hookahs, bongo, its spare parts, accessories and any other devices for smoking.
BayShop does not allow Currency or Monetary Instruments to be exported through our facility. These items will be returned to the original sender, when possible, or recycled. Сashier’s check, plastic cards, any equivalent of cash (including gift cards), stock or bond certificates will be shredded. They cannot be sent to an alternate U.S. address.
  • Cash (Banknotes & Coins)
  • Checks (including Traveler’s Checks)
  • Bank Drafts
  • Bearer Bonds and other monetary instruments
  • Credit Cards
  • Gold, Silver, or Platinum Bullion/Bars
  • Rough Diamonds
  • Loose Diamonds or Gems
All of the following Firearms, Weaponry, and Military/Tactical items or similar in construction or looks, incapacitation weapons are prohibited and will not be exported by BayShop:
  • Weapon accessories
  • Magazines/ammunition clips
  • Paintball markers and its spare parts and accessories
  • Butt-stocks
  • Gun barrels
  • Firing pins,hammers
  • Trigger housings
  • Upper receivers
  • Lower receivers
  • Weapon lasers
  • Holographic weapon sights
  • Red dot sights
  • Reticle sights
  • Rifle scopes
  • Thermal imaging/night vision scopes
  • Firearms, guns (whether real or replica)
  • Ammunition, bullets, cartridges, gun powder
  • Mace, pepper spray
  • Brass knuckles or similar articles
  • Stun-guns, stun-batons, tasers
  • Batons, saps, billy clubs
  • Metal handcuffs, plastic zip-tie restraints
  • Police or military uniforms
  • Swords, machete, katana, skewers
  • Weapon replicas of any kind
  • Ceramic and folding knives with blade length over 9 cm (except for kitchen knives), as well as hunting and any other military or tactical knives
  • Bows and crossbows, their spare parts and components, arrows, arrow tips
  • Harpoon guns
  • Bayonets

Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

Some household instruments:
  • Axes
  • Saws
  • Hammers
    • Army uniforms as well as accessories and any supplies made for army forces (mugs, plates, survival kits, backpacks, c-rations etc.)
    • Police and other types of uniform
    • Tactical/military helmets
    • Body armor/kevlar (both soft and hard)
    • Camouflage suits and its parts (including ghillie suits)
    • Ammunition vests and backpacks with ammunition belts
    • Gas masks and gas mask filters
    • Historical military equipment, armor, historical or collection showpieces (including World War II)
    • Decorations and insignias: medals, orders, ribbons, chevrons and other
    • Military and tactical educational materials and manuals
    • Educational materials for military or special forces as books, magazines, video or audio
    BayShop has a strict zero tolerance policy for illegal drugs. These products are prohibited and will be handed over the authorities:
    • Controlled or illicit substances as defined by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), including Narcotics, Cannabis/Marijuana, and Psychotropic Drugs
    • Unidentified powders, liquids, pills or other substance of any kind
    • Chemicals
    • Synthetic Cannabis/Herbal Incense
    BayShop does not accept electronics that require the use of an Export License from either the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) or the U.S. Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC). While many electronics are restricted or prohibited from exporting, many are not. Please contact your BayShop Account Manager if you are unsure of an item’s classification before having it sent to our facility. The following are examples of electronics and individual components that may not be exported in many instances:
    • Integrated circuits
    • Processors
    • Microprocessor chips, microcontrollers, and other similar components
    • Satellite Phones
    • Ruggedized Computers
    • High Powered/Commercial Grade Networking Devices (Servers & Routers)
    • Military Grade Electronics of any kind
    • High End Encryption Devices
    • Robotics
    • Some Biometric Devices
    • High End GPS, Radar, and Sonar Devices
    • High End Communications Devices/Radios
    • Covert spy cameras
    • Bugs and any other tracking devices
    Power banks and Lithium-ion batteries out of devices (for example, the battery delivered separately from the smartphone) are prohibited for international shipping from the US, so we don’t ship them to Moldova anymore. Source: International Air Transport Association
    • Dry Ice
    • Biological substances
    • Lab reagents
    • Frozen Food
    • Perishable Food
    • Live Bait
    • Human Remains
    • Flowers, Plants
    • Green coffee
    BayShop does not accept Professional Medical Equipment if a Prescription or Medical License is required for purchase. Many times the item will state “RX Only” or “US Law Restricts the Sale of this Device For or On the Order of a Physician”. Such items may include:
    • Dental Devices & Supplies (example: Dental Drills, Cements, Resins)
    • Veterinary Devices & Supplies (examples: Surgical Equipment for Animals)
    • Medical Devices & Supplies (examples: Syringes, Surgical Equipment)
    BayShop does not send abroad any cultural values and art pieces that needs certification of Ministry of Cultural affairs.
    BayShop does not accept any “piracy” items, including movies, CD and DVD disks, software, electronics, clothing, bags and purses, sunglasses etc. Such items will be confiscated and recycled if delivered to the warehouse.
    BayShop does not accept items and information on printed, audio and visual and other mediums with Nazi propaganda. Such items include:
    • Magazines, books, disks
    • Coins, medals, tokens
    • Clothing, headwear
    • Industrial laptops (toughtbooks) and tablets
    • Drones and quadcopters and similar flying apparatus with the action radius more than 200 meters and price over $500
    • Adult Videos/Movies
    • Adult Magazines/Books
    • Any erotic materials with under-age
    Medicines & Dietary Supplements Export of such items can be limited. You are responsible for compliance with import regulations in the destination country. Such items are:
    • Vitamins
    • Minerals
    • Plant raw materials
    • Amino acids
    • Concentrates, metabolites, constituents, extracts, or a combination of any ingredient mentioned above

    Nail polishes

    Can be send via USPS Priority Mail International (PMI) in small quantities.

    Gel nail polishes

    Can be send via BayShop Air Post and BayShop Air Freight in small quantities if it does not contain alcohol.

    Perfume and eau de toilette

    Perfume and eau de toilette with total volume up to 200 ml can be send via USPS Priority Mail Express International (EMS).

    Kitchen knives

    Shipping of such items is possible only via BayShop Air Post and BayShop Air Freight.


    You can send no more than 1 litre of liquid in one parcel. Please note, that total volume is calculated during scanning at the customs.


    Jewelry with cost over 2500$ cannot be exported via postal services. These items can be shipped via BayShop Air Post and BayShop Air Freight with real value declared in the documents and paid duties and taxes. If Jewelry has cultural value or antique - this item cannot be sent by BayShop. Please note: shipping of Jewelry and its certificates are only possible in separate packages.
    It is your responsibility to make sure that the item can be imported in the destination country. If the item is not certified, import of such goods would be a breach of law. We can export goods via postal services but it’ll be recipient’s responsibility to deal with customs and solve any problems that may occur with import of such items.
    • drugs and psychotropic substances, identified by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), and also other illegal substances
    • obscene or immoral items
    • counterfeit and pirated goods
    • other products for import or circulation, prohibited in the country
    • the products that can be dangerous for postal service officers or other people, can drabble or spoil other parces, postal equipment or the property of the third party
    • the documents, related to current and personal correspondence, or any other correspondence, exchanged by the individuals, who are not the sender and the recipient, or people, who live with them
    • explosive, flammable or radioactive substances, and other dangerous products
    • not equipped explosive devices and ammunition, including not equipped grenades, bombs, also the imitations of such devices and items
    • live animals
    • radioactive substances, sent via written correspondence and parcels
    • infectious substances, sent via written correspondence and parcels
    • bees, leeches and silkworms
    • vermin and destroyers of harmful insects, meant to be examined and exchanged by the officially recognized institutions
    • Drosophilidae flies for biomedical research of the officially recognized institutions
    • live animals that are allowed to be sent by the Postal Regulations of the countries
    Animals and animal products
    • You can learn the additional information about this in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (162 Stefan cel Mare Blvd., Chisinau).
    • Bees, honey, wax and agricultural products: the import of bees can be carried out, only if the veterinary certificate is presented. It should be issued by the competent authority of the producer country.
    • The imported natural honey is subjected to sanitary control by the veterinary inspector of customs service. In the exceptional case the parcel, containing natural honey, is exempt from the sanitary control, if the parcel weighs less than 2 kg and doesn’t have commercial nature.
    • The forwarded leeches must be closed in containers in accordance with the rules.

    Animal products for animal rearing or consumption by humans

    A. The import of these products is carried out on condition of the sanitary regulation compliance:

    • The sanitary control by the veterinarian at the customs service, followed by the sanitary permission issuance
    • Presentation of the veterinary certificate and quality certificate, issued by the competent authority of the producer country

    B. The same products, if they are in transit through the country, are exempt from all the formalities of the sanitary control, mentioned in paragraph A.

    Plants and plant products

    • When importing, these products should be examined by the authorities, that are responsible for the plants protection, also, they must be accompanied by the phytosanitary certificate from the producing country.
    • There are special regulations, concerning the import of diseases or vermin (for example, Erwinia amylovara, Troquoderma granatium EV, Ceratitis Capitala Wied), followed by the certain restrictions on the import of products from different countries as the restrictive measures.
    • The import of herbarium is prohibited.
    • Antiparasitic products for the agricultural use: the import of these products is allowed, only if they are meant for the research or exchange between the research institutions. The presence of the certificate is required.

    Alcoholic beverages

    • The import of wine up to 2 liters per parcel and the import of strong alcoholic drinks up to 1 liter per parcel are allowed.


    • The import of 200 cigarettes or cigars per parcel without customs duties is allowed to individuals.

    Mineral oils


    • The import of medicaments, pharmaceutical medications, containing narcotic substances, requires the permission, issued by the Pharmaceutical Department (1 Hincesti Str, Chisinau, 277028, Moldova, Fax: (+37322)73 87 81).

    Pharmaceutical products

    • The import of medicines and other products, used in medical practice, is carried out on the basis of the permission, issued either by the Ministry of Health (the Department of Pharmacy and Medical Equipment, 1 Hincesti Str, Chisinau, 277028, Moldova), or the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (the Veterinary Service, 162 Stefan cel Mare Blvd, Chisinau, 277012).
    • Contraceptives, except medicines and condoms, can’t be imported. Only the companies, that have the permission from the Ministry of Health, can import them.
    • Contraceptives, that are considered to be medicines, are imported, if the regulations on medicaments are followed (see above)

    Natural or imitation pearls, gemstones and precious metals, works, made from these materials, jewelry

    • All these items are allowed to be imported (in parcels with the specified value), on the condition that they are properly registered in the customs declaration.


    • The import of ammunition, gunpowder and explosives is permitted on the presentation of the authorization from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • Hunting and sport weapons require the permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • Other weapons require the permission from the Ministry of Defence.