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BayShop is the intermediary service for the purchases in online shops of the USA. We solve all the issues with the seller instead of you, offer an extensive catalog of online shops, also we propose the additional services at the warehouse. Use our warehouse address in the USA to make purchases on your own. BayShop services open the access to the internet stores, that don’t ship products to Moldova.
To register on BayShop website, press “Registration” in the upper right corner of the first page of the site. You will be proposed to sign in by using social network account or by registering in our system. Enter your e-mail, tick “I accept the Terms of Agreement", having read it previously, and press “Registration”.
Not to doubt about the reliability of our service:
  • Insure the parcel
  • Order the products checking in the warehouse
  • Order 8 product photos
  • Track the parcel path by the tracking number

The complete cost of the purchase with BayShop can be calculated, using the following formula:

product price + shipping by the seller's country + our commission + shipping to Moldova

Use the Сalculator for the approximate calculations.

Customs duties, shops commissions, premise rent, wage for employees, other financial expenses and the artificial cost increase bid up prices at regular stores in Moldova. Accordingly, you buy goods in online stores at more acceptable prices.
eBay will allow you to spend far less money to buy goods, or to find a truly rare product. Also, not so expensive products are available in any online shop or auction. Products in the specialized stores are designed for the purchase of more expensive goods of the narrow spectrum.
BayShop will communicate with sellers instead of you, will solve all the issues, related to your purchase delivery, and will monitor the shipping process. Our shipping cost is cheaper than one, indicated by sellers. Sometimes the sellers don’t ship to Moldova at all, so you got the opportunity to buy the desired products anyway.
eBay offers a wide range of various products. This service gives you the possibility to buy goods at a set price or to participate in an auction. eBay has been working for 20 years with a lot of customers, who trust the service quality.
  • Access “My Profile”, My personal data section (the upper right corner of the first page of the website).
  • Press “Add the address” at the top of the page.
  • Fill in the necessary fields and press “Save”.
  • You can add several addresses.
  • If you received at least one parcel at the address, you can’t delete/change it.
You can learn everything about the products by asking BayShop staff about them. Please, write your questions and the product number , and we will contact the seller instead of you.
  • Contact us via Chat on our website
  • Call the number 044 390 64 65
  • Or send us the message on Facebook
Please, choose only one way of contacting us. Duplicating messages will slow down our response.
  • Fill in the relevant fields: the message subject; the country you order from, the category - orders, parcels, personal; your message; order ID.
  • Attach photos, if necessary, indicate the matter urgency.
  • Press “Send” and we’ll reply to you as soon as possible.

The messages are marked as follows:

  • After your sending a new message, it will receive the status of “no answer” ( ), wait for it.
  • It can return to you either with status ( ), or with ( ), indicating the reasons.
  • If our answer satisfied you, the letter will get the status “closed” ( ). If not, the conversation can be continued, until you get answers to your questions.
  • If you wrote the letter, it will be marked with ( ).
If you received the letter from the administration or moderators, it will be marked with ( ), and then it will get the status ( ).
  • Access “My Profile”, My personal data section (the upper right corner of the first page of the site).
  • In the center of the page you’ll see “Change password”.
  • Fill in the necessary fields and press “Save” at the bottom of the page.