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Mail Forwarding

Using your address in the USA, provided by BayShop, you purchase goods independently. You communicate with the seller, pay for the order and shipping to our warehouse in seller’s country that we provide.

You can specify this address as Shipping-address. You will receive the notification, when the parcel will be delivered to the warehouse in the USA, when the products will be registered in our system. Then you’ll be able to create the parcel and we’ll send it to Moldova to the address, mentioned by you.

  • To get the warehouse address, press the button Mail Forwarding on the first page of our website.
  • On the page below you’ll see “Your addresses”.
  • Use this address for the parcel shipping by the seller’s country, then it will be delivered to Moldova.
Billing-address is registered, while opening your account; it can be your home address. It’s the address, which is associated with your bank payment data.

Shipping-address is the address, to which your parcel will be delivered. These two addresses can be different. Also, you can use several shipping-addresses to deliver your parcels.

If you don’t send the formed parcel at once, it can be stored at our warehouse for free during 7 days. Then the monthly fee of $5+$1 (per kilogram of weight) will be charged. After 30 days the payment for storage will be deducted from the account again.
  • If you placed the order, using Mail Forwarding, you have to register it in the system.
  • Press the button Mail Forwarding on the first page of our website.
  • On the next page, select “Add the expected parcel”.
  • Fill in the proposed form and press “Add the parcel”.
  • Your parcel will be registered in BayShop system.
We learn the volumetric weight of the parcel and compare it with the physical weight of it to determine, which one is greater. The greater weight is used to calculate the shipping price. When the volumetric weight is greater than the physical one, the shipping price is determined, according to the volumetric weight. It’s calculated, using the following formula:

length (cm) * width (cm) * height (cm) / 6000 = volumetric weight (kg)

Account verification is needed to use Mail Forwarding.
  • Access “My Profile” (the upper right corner of the first page of the site), My personal data section.
  • You’ll see the section “Change personal data” below your address.
  • Press the button “Choose File” in the section “Upload files” and upload the scans of your passport.
  • Press “Save” at the bottom of the page.
We check your passport information within 2 working days.
We strongly recommend you to ask the seller to send the product with signature required upon delivery. The signature is the proof of receival by a certain person, it gives the possibility to check who namely has received the parcel. It is used only for USPS delivery.