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Warehouse (8:00-17:00) Sat. Tomești,Str. Stupinelor, Nr 33A, Hala C5, Județul Iași

phone+40751588573 Support:
clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00
clock Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00

Customs registration

All the parcels, sent to Moldova from abroad, undergo customs control. The parcel is checked for the presence of the prohibited goods, also the customs declaration is examined.

Independent declaration filling is for free. You can do that as follows:
  • You will see the declaration form in “Customs declaration” section on the parcel forming stage.
  • Tick the phrase “Fill in the customs declaration individually”.
  • Check the correctness of the information in the fields below: “Declaration item”, “General description”, “URL”, “Qty”, “Total $” and “Weight”.
  • Then fill in the field “General description of products in parcel” in English language.
  • If you make mistakes, they will be marked with red colour. The field without mistakes will be marked with green.
  • Having finished filling in the form, press the button “To product insurance”.
  • You have to fill in at least one declaration for each parcel. You can fill in more declarations, depending on the products amount in the parcel.
  • The total price of the declaration should match the total price of the products.
  • The total weight, mentioned in the declaration, should approximately match the total weight of products.
  • Use the following product names in the customs declaration to avoid thefts:
iPad - “pocket computer”
jewelry - “bijouterie”
telephone (especially, iPhone) - “phone” or “used phone”
The parcels, costing less than 300 euro, are imported to Moldova duty free. This amount contains not only the product price, but the shipping price. The duty is imposed for every parcel, costing more than 300 euro. The сustoms can require one of three variants to confirm the order price:
  • the invoice from shop (you can provide the order screenshot from our website)
  • the documents from the bank (the confirmation of transaction)
  • or the cheque from the terminal
The products are imposed with customs duty, depending on the delivery methods:
  • when BayShop shipping is used - by us
  • when USPS shipping is used - by Posta Moldovei
  • when DHL shipping is used - by DHL
The customs service also checks the presence of the commercial consignment. These are the products, which are not designed for the personal needs of individuals. If your parcel contains more than 3 products with one name (regardless of the brand, model, colour, size and other characteristics), then the customs inspector defines characteristics of the commercial consignment independently, based on the goods use. If the products group is recognized not to be related to goods for personal use, they will be imposed with customs duty, and the customs registration will be carried out in the manner, prescribed for the import of commercial parties.
The postal service workers will inform you, if the parcel is imposed with customs duty. The recipient pays for the customs duty and VAT at the customs office. When the parcel isn’t imposed with customs duty (the total price of products and shipping doesn’t exceed 300 euro), you won’t deal with the customs service and won’t pay anything.
Also, you have to pay for the customs clearance. Its price is as follows:
  • for individuals: VAT + customs duty
  • for legal persons: VAT + customs duty + brokerage services