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Warehouse (8:00-17:00) Sat. Tomești,Str. Stupinelor, Nr 33A, Hala C5, Județul Iași

phone+40751588573 Support:
clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00
clock Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00

Return Policy

a. If the purchase was made at the request of the Client, he can request the product return to the Seller. The return is carried out, only if the Seller accepted the return and provided the details of the return procedure.

b. The Executor’s decision on the possibility of the Product return is based only on the Seller’s decision on the possibility of it. If the Executor finds the defect, the product mismatch or the product lack without the previously ordered Product checking, the return is possible only if the Client pays for the discussion with the Seller.

c. If the Client wants to return the product to the Seller, the Client must pay for the shipping from Client to the Executor and from Executor to the Seller, and in the reverse direction.

d. If the Seller decides to refuse to return the product, the Executor doesn’t compensate the product price to the Client.

e. The return procedure is carried out according to the Seller’s conditions, including, but not being limited to the procedure, terms and the compensation amount.

f. If the return is possible, the Client should take into consideration the delivery terms from the Client to the Executor, the returned product processing terms of the

g. After the Seller returns the full product price to the Executor, the money will be returned to the Client.

h. When the product is sent during the return procedure, the Client must pay for the full price of the order processing by the Executor, according to the tariffs, specified on BayShop website.

i.Not depending on the Seller’s decision about the possibility or the impossibility of the Product return, the Executor’s commission isn’t refunded.

j.For orders paid with the card through Visa, Mastercard, the amount will be returned on the same card used for trading, within 3-30 days from the cancellation of the order.