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clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00

BayShop branch in Ukraine closes

BayShop branch in Ukraine closes
25 Jan 2022

Dear friends, we have to inform you that the BayShop company ceases its activities in Ukraine. In this regard, we notify you of the following conditions for the completion of cooperation:

1. All packages you have ordered up to this point will be delivered within 30 days.

2. To do this, send your parcels in the system, which are currently in a warehouse in the United States.

3. New packages to a BayShop address in the US are no longer redeemable. Please do not order to our warehouse address.

4. We ask you to pick up all your parcels from the warehouse in Kiev - on your own or by ordering home delivery

5. If you have a negative balance on your BayShop account, pay the debts in your profile.

6. If you have recently funded your account, make a withdrawal from the system.

Thank you for trusting us all this time! We wish you to find an equally reliable company for the delivery of your parcels and enjoy profitable shopping.


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