Important terms and conditions for delivery

Dear friends, please fill in the package details carefully. Due to errors, delivery problems may occur. Pay close attention to two things:
1. When completing the declaration, the name of each product must be indicated separately. For example, when ordering a sweater, a dress, and a jacket on a clothing site, write the exact name of each item (copy the name on the merchandise pages). The general name "clothing" is unacceptable. If there is not enough information in the description of the contents of the package, the customs representatives may detain the goods until the data are clarified.
2. The name of the delivery to our US/RO/TR/UK warehouse and the name of the Moldovan who will receive the package must match. If the name on the documents differs, you can be called to customs for clarification. Errors in completing the parcel data could result in a forced delay.
Therefore, be careful when completing the data, follow the rules set by the customs point, so that the shopping process will give you but positive emotions.