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022 999 321
Customer Support will work from 9:00
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Our office in Chisinau:
17/4 Moscova bd., fl. 3, of. 4
Our warehouse in Chisinau:
27 Mihai Viteazul str.

phone022 999 321 Support:
clock Mon-Fri 9:00 - 18:00
clock Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00
clock Sat 10:00-15:00

How to fill out a declaration

When forming a parcel, be careful when filling out declarations for goods. An incorrectly completed declaration often causes delays in a parcel at customs. Pay particular attention to the following points:


1. Description of the product. Be sure to include the full name of the purchased item. For example, in the declaration on a laptop, it is not enough to write the word "laptop" - you need to enter the brand name and model. If there is a lack of information in the description, the customs officer may detain the goods until the data is clarified.
2. Quantity. Indicate exactly the quantity of goods that you ordered. It is important to consider that the number of goods for personal use should not exceed logical limits. If you bought several units of the same product at the same time (for example, 5 laptops), the customs will regard this as a commercial batch and it will be possible to clear it only under SRL.     
3. Link to the product. In the declaration, be sure to include a link to the page with the product so that the customs officer can compare the data. The lack of a link again leads to a delay.
4. Cost. The price indicated in the declaration must correspond to the real value. Errors and misprints lead to delays.
Please, fill in the declarations with due responsibility, and the risk of delay in the parcel at customs will be minimized!