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clock Mon-Fri 09:00 - 18:00
clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00

Shipping policy

You can learn about the shipping methods here and calculate the approximate shipping cost here.

The delivery term depends on the method you’ve chosen. You order will be shipped to your address in 2-4 days after you pay for the delivery on our website.

If you have questions, you can contact us .

a. The shipping methods and the relevant tariffs of BayShop service are listed in “Shipping” and Services sections on our websites. The following delivery services are available:
  • our services BayShop Air post, BayShop Air Freight
  • DHL Express
  • USPS Priority Mail, USPS Express Mail

b. The Executor must send the Client’s packed parcel by the courier service, mentioned by him in Parcels section.

c. You pay for the shipping separately from the product price. The total shipping price is given after the product is packed and weighed. After the parcel is packed, the Executor doesn’t open the parcel and doesn’t change the products. If the Client’s account lacks money, the parcel sending to the postal service will be delayed till the Client can repay the debt.

d. The Executor’s services are done, as soon as the Client’s products are transmitted to the postal service (the carrier).

e. The Client can fill in the customs declaration/invoice independently. It will be attached to the parcel.

f. The delivery terms, mentioned on BayShop website, are approximate. The Executor isn’t responsible for the actions of the State postal/courier services and for the transport companies (courier, carrier). He can’t also influence on the shipping terms.

g. If the parcel is delayed, the Executor submits the application for the parcel search to the postal service of the seller’s country. If the circumstances, provided in the insurance contract, appear (for example, the damage, the lack or the loss in transit), the Executor submits the complaint to the relevant institution to reimburse the insurance amount. After the Executor receives this money, he transfers them to the Client’s account.