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Customer Support will work on Monday from 9:00
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Street Krasnokatskaya 59 office 1, Kyiv, Ukraine

phone+380672357377 Support:
clock Mon-Fri 09:00 - 18:00
clock Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00

Parcel insurance

When you form the parcel, you will be proposed to insure it. The insurance price is 2% of the order price. The minimal insurance price is $5. If you want to insure the product, containing lithium-ion battery (for example, a smartphone), the insurance price will be 5%. This amount will be automatically withdrawn from your BayShop account.

You have to open the parcel in the presence of the postal service workers to secure it, depending on the warehouses, where it will be delivered:

  • in the presence of BayShop staff, if the parcel was delivered by BayShop Air post and BayShop Road Express
  • in the presence of workers of Postal company, if the parcel was delivered by USPS Priority Mail, USPS Express Mail, Deutsche Post Standart and Deutsche Post Express
  • When you fill in the form for creating the parcel, one of the sections is “Products insurance”.
  • If you decided to secure your parcel, tick the phrase “I want to insure the parcel”.
  • The prices for products, shipping and insurance will be shown in the fields below.
  • The total price for insurance will be known only after the parcel packing, because it contains the invoice and shipping prices.
  • If you don’t want to insure the parcel, tick the phrase “I refuse the insurance”.
  • You won’t get the compensation for the goods damage, shortage or the parcels loss in this case.

  • After you have chosen one of the variants, go to the next section by pressing the button “Confirmation”
If you notice the product damage in the parcel in the presence of Postal company workers, you should ask them to draw up the document about it. When you receive the parcel at our warehouse, BayShop staff will also draw up the appropriate document. If you notice the damage at home, the parcel won’t be considered.
If you noticed the product lack in the parcel in the presence of Postal company workers, you should ask them to draw up the document about it. When you receive the parcel at our warehouse, BayShop staff will also draw up the appropriate document. If you notice the damage at home, the parcel won’t be considered.
Follow the update of the parcels tracking, and if it isn’t updated during some time, it means it’s lost. This terms depend on the delivery service:
  • for BayShop Air post - if the tracking isn’t updated during 2 months
  • for USPS Priority Mail - during 3 months
  • for USPS Express Mail - during 3 months
  • for Deutsche Post Standart - 1 month
  • for Deutsche Post Express - 1 month
  • for BayShop Road Express - if the parcel haven’t arrived to our warehouse during 2 months
If the tracking stopped being updated during this time and the parcel wasn’t delivered, contact us to begin the search.
The claims, composed after you have received the parcel, are not accepted. You have to open and examine your product in the presence of the postal service worker. You should ask him to draw up the document, that will be examined during 2 weeks. You will receive the compensation during one month.
The maximum compensation is $2,500.